A unique event bringing a 360° degree perspective on Smart Cities and Smart Mobility-related projects and activities.

Massimo Villari

Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at University of Messina (Italy)

Massimo Villari

Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at University of Messina (Italy)


Prof. Massimo Villari is Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at University of Messina (Italy). He is actively working as IT Security and Distributed Systems Analyst in Cloud Computing, virtualization and Storage. For the EU Projects “RESERVOIR” he leaded the IT security activities of the whole project. For the EU Project “VISION-CLOUD”, he covered the role of architectural designer for UniME. He is currently Scientific ICT Responsible in the EU Project frontierCities, the Accelerator of FIWARE on Smart Cities – Smart Mobility. He is strongly involved in EU Future Internet initiatives, specifically Cloud Computing and Security in Distributed Systems. He is co-author of more of 130 scientific publications and patents in Cloud Computing (Cloud Federation), Distributed Systems, Wireless Network, Network Security, Cloud Security and Cloud and IoTs. He was General Chair of ESOCC 2015 and IEEE-ISCC 2016. Since 2011 he is a Fellow of IARIA, recognized as a Cloud Computing Expert, and since 2011 he is also involved in the activities of the FIArch, the EU Working Group on Future Internet Architecture. In 2014 was recognized by an independent assessment (IEEE Cloud Computing Transaction, Issue April 2014) as one of World-Wide active scientific researchers, top 27 classification, in Cloud Computing Area. He is General Chair of EAI-CN4IoT. He is Editor In Chief of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities. Currently he is Scientific Responsible for UniME-IRCCSME Cloud initiative in eHealth: https://healthycloud.irccsme.it/

All session by Massimo Villari