Rector of the University of Žilina, Slovakia


Rector of the University of Žilina, Slovakia


Rector of the University of Žilina, Slovakia. Previously he was at positions of Vice-Rector for Development (2014-2018), Head of the Department of Power Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina (2006-2014) and Deputy Head and Secretary of the Department of Thermal and Hydraulic Machines of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina (1997-2006). He is author of several papers in Europe and abroad. He is a member of several scientific project teams and as well as since the year 2005 he also member of the Union Commission in the field of study 5.2.6. Energy Machines and Equipment at the University of Žilina. In the year of 1989 he stayed at the Technische Universitat in Karl Marx Stadt (today Chemnitz) in Germany for 6 months.
In his work he is focusing on energy machines and equipment and on transport machines and equipment design, as well as on experimental determination of bed temperatures during wood pellet combustion, analysis of paper sludge pellets for energy utilization and fuel change possibilities in small heat source. Previously he was focusing on hydraulic machines and equipment, hydromechanics, power machines, gas industry and experimental methods.
Title: Smart city – Middle European Cities‘ transport service sustainability tool
Abstract: The lecture will be aimed on the Middle European cities‘ transport service sustainability what is always more difficult. The increasing rate of people using individual car transport increases also infrastructure demads. The lecturer introduces solutions by which regional municipalities in Middle Europe tried to ensure suitable transport service. The lecture will deal to more approaches, from liberalization of public mass transport market, through free-of-charge transport to transport regulation through parking politics. Although all listed tools influenced transport service to some level, they didn’t reach efficiency that is provided by smart city philosophy. The lecturer will followingly deal to smart solutions of transport service sustainability that were applied in Middle Europe area and are in preparation for the next time period.