#SmartCity360 - A unique event bringing a 360° degree perspective on Smart Cities implementation projects and activities

EAI SmartCity360° Summit is unique. We make matches between participants, whether you are a city institution, SME, Startup, Citizen or Expert in the field of Smart Cities. We are here to help you connect with others in the field.


European Alliance for Innovation Community program gives you the opportunity to gain recognition and have real impact. Present your ideas to a large audience, meet other professionals and specialists, brainstorm with experts and make a difference.

Partner up. Get feedback. Do business. Get recognized.


Become a part of the EAI Community



Community Groups

Participate & Collaborate


  • Community Groups
  • Extended info
  • Finish

Select your group

I am a representative of


I am interested in:

Participate as an expert

CV (Optional)


Choose your interests from the below options

Present Smart City development

Relevant Sector

Relevant links

Describe your program, project and/or plan in more details

Propose project

Describe your program, project and/or plan in more details

Relevant links

Relevant Sector

Propose, promote solution

Describe your program, project and/or plan in more details

Relevant links

Relevant Sector

Meet and Discuss with Colleagues

Which Colleagues would you like to meet and discuss with?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Participate in Interest Group

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Ask for Expert Advice

Would you like to meet and discuss this with Colleagues?

What is the subject on which you would like to get expert advice on?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Find Partners for Smart City Collaboration

What type of partners are you looking for?

Where are you located?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Propose Partnership Opportunity

What type of partners are you looking for?

Where are you located?

Please describe the partnership opportunity you would like to propose

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Colloborate with Research Community

Please describe your idea for collaboration with researchers below

Where are you located?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Contribute to SmartCity360 Vision Book

What is your contribution to Smart City Vision Book?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Relevant links

Participate in Summit/Workshop

Please describe how you would like to participate in Smart City Summit / Workshop activities

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Participate in Innovation Activities

Please describe how you would like to participate in Smart City Innovation activities

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Participate in Match Making Events

What is your expertise?

Are you currently facing any Smart City Development issue that you would like help with? If so, please provide more details

Please upload CV

Your contact details (To benefit from the EAI Smart City community matchmaking event and to connect with other Smart City experts)




Main area of interest



Demos are the showcase of innovative excellence. Demo presenters will share their projects and open themselves to feedback from partners, innovators and potential investors, while your votes decide which demo will win a free booth.



Birds of a Feather allows summit participants to discuss topics during moderated round table discussions. We invite you to join your colleagues and renowned experts, and apply for a seat at one of the sessions .



Meet the Speaker program allows EAI Members to arrange private meetings with specific speakers.
Potential partnerships can be built,
cooperation established!



Summits are the best place to meet colleagues from all around the world. Share your ideas, come up with a new project, establish cooperation and exchange experiences. Our app will help you decide whom you might like to meet.